Why do people join garden clubs? Probably for two or three of the following reasons:
- Cameraderie with like minded people.
- Access to garden information from “experienced hands.”
- Activities, including programs and trips.
- Social activities, including participation in club meetings and luncheons.
Most are self-explanatory and we can assure you are available in good measure in the Club.

Prior year trips and events included trips to Wave Hill in the Bronx, to Old Westbury on Long Island and to a variety of private gardens opened through special arrangement for our members to tour.
Membership Information
We are delighted in your interest in joining the Home Garden Club of Morristown, NJ.
You should know that before you can become a regular member, you must spend a year as a Provisional Member and during that time there are certain requirements to be met:
- Attend club meetings;
- Serve one time at Lyons Veterans Hospital in the Garden Therapy Program;
- Help the Community Outreach Chairperson with the purchase of Chrismas presents for the Division of Youth and Family Services;
- Participate in the Spring and Fall Planting Days at Acorn Hall (which the club maintains) and give two additional mornings of gardening at Acorn Hall (weeding and deadheading); and
- Participate in the Wreath Making Workshop.
As a regular member of the club, you are expected to attend all club meetings and perform such duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Board. You will help in the advancement of horticulture, conservation and civic beauty, and support all endeavors in which the club participates.
Please let us know of your interest (or ask any unanswered questions) by contacting Sue McElroy at 973-951-8568 or mcelroy122@verizon.net. If emailing, be sure to include your full name, address, phone and preferred email address.
We look forward to meeting you!